

This video is for Sam's daddy (my son Andy).
(and for you, too, dear readers!)
If you have been following my blog, you will know 
that Sam came to live on the farm 2 weeks ago.
His daddy just rented an apartment...
and Sam needs room to run.
His daddy calls often to see how Sam is getting along.

Is Sam happy on the farm?
Well, here, dear Andy is your answer.....

Sam is having a blast!
And so is TomTom!!

Hope your weekend is full of Autumn's splendor.
Take a walk on crunchy leaves if you get a chance!

You never know what you might see!

- Autumn Memories
Autumn days...cool breezes, changing leaves, hot cider and donuts,bonfires, family times... so many wonderful things crammed into one weekend! I left you Friday with a teaser about a wedding on the farm, didn't I? Well, it was quite a special wedding...

- A Little Pink Fairy Has Arrived!
We are enjoying a farm guest this week. Sam, Andy and Ashley's dog is spending the week with us.Sam loves to come to Grammie's farm where he can run free and play with his cousins all day! And why is Sammy visiting? Because...the most wonderful...

- A Hostage Situation
Me:  Hey, Andy... come on out and say "hi". Me:  I have a Ritz for you.Donald:  I'll take that. Me:  Come on, Andy... you know you love Ritz! Andy:   Nom, nom, nom. Andy:  Nom, nom, nom....Love Ritz! Andy:  Hey!...

- Sunshine And Showers
Our unbelievable weather continues...highs in the 70's, sunny blue skies.... weird! The farm was a whirlwind of excitement this weekend... lots of comings and goings... Saturday's highlight was a family cookout. Andy, our BBQ chef (my son) smoked...

- The Center Of My World
I need to take a moment here to thank the man that makes my dreams come true. So often, when I have written a post...he will say "Why is my picture never in your blog?" Truly the reason is this. Most of the time I have my camera pointed at nature or the...

