Mancat Monday

Mancat Monday

I am helping Mommy water the plants. Thankfully on the days that it rains we don't have to water the plants, except for the one that keeps blowing over.

I really wish it would learn to stay upright, it is delaying my supper. ~Socks, reporting for ATCAD

PeeS: Mommy has lost her marbles again, after uploading Windows 10 Mommy couldn't get the pictures to upload from the computer. Well she got it fixed and uploaded a batch of pictures, but today when she tried to upload pictures it wouldn't work again and she can't remember how she fixed it. So if the blog goes dark you knows it is MOMMY'S FAULT!!!!!!

- Mancat Monday (flashback 2014)
Mommy finally figured out how to get the pictures off her phone and onto the computer. As you can see Scylla and I enjoy our outside time, especially when Mommy is available for petting. We has lots of neat wildflowers growing in our yard, little violets...

- Tuiren Tuesday
The Greenhouse still isn't fixed, as soon as it is Mommy will have to move the plants out of the garage into the greenhouse. We lost several of our plants because of the unseasonably cold weather we have been having. The Confederate Rose is pretty...

- Mancat Monday
 I am preparing to go out into the wilds with my camera and take photographs.  Really Mom, do you have any idea how heavy this camera is? I got some good pictures which you can view here. Stupid Mommy didn't realize the battery in the camera...

- Mancat Monday ~ Socks
JFF, gave us this pawsome award Thank Cat or I wouldn't have a Mancat Monday Post. The Mom has been slacking lately. She seems to think planting flowers is more important then helping us blog!  And if her gardening activities aren't bad...

- Thanks Mrs. Ann
We asked Mrs. Ann of Zoolatry to make a new header for our Grandpa's blog. She did a fabulous job and when Mommy showed it to him this weekend he LOVED it. IF they ever get high speed Internet Mommy is going to show him how to upload pictures of his...

