Catching Up

Catching Up

Isn't it strange that the very best days are just regular days
spent doing regular chores...

surrounded by my critters!

Immersing myself in farm chores gave me such satisfaction.

Not to mention a return to the comforts of home!

A lot changed in the two weeks we were gone.

Everything is blossoming.

The containers that I planted before leaving on vacation have filled in nicely.

The garden is filled with tasty edibles.

The strawberries, a little late this year, should soon begin to ripen.

Garden boxes are growing, growing, growing!

It was nice to once again visit with Ginger and MaryAnn.
I think they were truly happy to see me.

We are officially in fly mask season.

Everyone got new fly masks this summer.
Daphne and Chloe are sporting "full coverage" models...
donkeys incognito!

A sudden surge in temperatures makes everyone just a little lazy.

Tom and Chuck, with new tail feathers, are up to their old tricks.

Mama Quackers still sits on her nest of eggs.
I am hoping that very soon we will have new life at the pond.

Annie has matured in the two weeks we were away.
She now sits in the passenger seat of the gator during chore time...
patiently waiting as I go from task to task.

Everyone fared quite well while we were gone...
thanks to the love and care of good friends and family.
Thank-you, Jim and Kathy, Anna and Amanda!!

- And Then There Were Fourteen
A week of rain has made outside work next to impossible.I did manage to get in an hour of weeding yesterday and completely cleaned up my asparagus patch. On my way to the garden, I stopped by the pond... a head count yielded 14 ducklings... down...

- Autumn Decorating
Brrrrr... it has been in the 40's for the past two mornings' chores.I'm not complaining, though...I welcome Autumn with open arms. I have to say, though, that this weather has put me in the mood for Autumn decorating.I took a trip to a local...

- Back Up Plan
Yesterday was day one without water at the barn.Getting water out to the animals was a matter of filling up 9 three gallon watering cans at the house to haul around to birds and goats.Luckily I had just filled the horses' troughs before the pump...

- In Capable Hands
"Leaving on a jet plane....."and so the song goes. It has been a couple of years since we have left the farm for a vacation. This morning we are catching a flight to a warm and sunny location (Caribbean) for 9 daysof sun and fun....and rest! For the next...

- Minerva, Master-weeder
Amazingly, since Minerva has taken up residence in the garden, it is virtually weed free (we won't mention that I spent the entire past week on my hands and knees). Regardless, the garden is the best it has ever looked at this point of the season....

