Dog falsely imprisoned over erroneous ID

Dog falsely imprisoned over erroneous ID

We found this by way of Jan's Funny Farm.

Yesterday we learned of two dogs who were killed by the police, today we learn of a dog who has been falsely imprisoned. People we need LAWS that will prevent the wanton killing of our pets and false imprisonment. No one should have to live in fear that their pet will be killed or taken away by the police (Humane Society).

We had a visit from the Humane Society today. They said some people down the street reported our black Lab, Cheyenne, as having attacked and killed their cat, and bit the owner when she tried to pull the cat away. People, I swear on my children that it was NOT Cheyenne. She is NEVER out of the house or the back yard; she was ABSOLUTELY, BEYOND ANY DOUBT in my bedroom sleeping with ME at 5:00 freaking A.M.!!

I don’t know what to do. They took her away! They took my precious girl away, and all because that person said yeah, that’s the dog. NO! IT ISN’T!

I am in Desperate Need of Expert Advice on How to Fight an Erroneous I.D.

We are happy to report that Cheyenne is home for now, but she is still facing charges. She’s Back Where She Belongs!

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