Epic Fail (or How My Green Thumb Turned Blue)

Epic Fail (or How My Green Thumb Turned Blue)

Yesterday I experienced Wedding Fail #1.
It was an epic fail.
In fact, I was so embarrassed by this epic fail, that I failed to take photographs.

I'll explain.
About 3 weeks ago I planted 16 tiny herb gardens that were going to be used
as table centerpieces.
I knew that planting them early was risky, but I wanted to get this item crossed off the list.

I started with tiny plants...
basil, parley, dill and Gerbera daisies.
I knew it was risky, but I kept a positive outlook...hoping it would just work out perfectly.

I didn't take a single photo of these herb gardens, 
because I didn't want to be tempted to show you.
I just may have jinxed myself.

As luck would have it, the herbs grew and grew and grew....
taller and taller and taller....
until my little herb gardens became unsightly jungles.

Yesterday I decided to admit defeat and start fresh.
I salvaged the herbs and planted them in the garden....
you can never, ever, ever have too much basil, right?

The Gerbera daisies were transplanted in clay pots (I'll still use them for decorating.)

Then I headed to my favorite greenhouse to find that herbs were on deep discount!
(As luck would have it.)
The highlight of that trip was driving past this...

Upon arriving home, I started planting.
It was a good time to be in the shelter of the greenhouse...

By the time I was done remaking my herb gardens,
they looked like this:


One week's growth will make them even more perfect.

And you can see that I am carrying our theme into these centerpieces.

The latter half of the day was spent finishing the garden project.

Every inch is freshly mulched....and not a weed in sight.
However, with the kind of rain we have been getting, it's only a matter of time.

Well, friends, another Friday is here and that means we are down to the wire.
One week left before the big day.
This next week will be a flurry of activity.
I'll keep you posted on the progress.

I am hoping to slow down just a little this weekend.
How 'bout you slow down a little, too!
Let's make it a wonderful weekend!!

- Thursday In The Garden With Socks & Artemisia
Mommy got some herbs for the Herb Bed. She got ornamental peppers (they aren't a herb but she stuck them in the Herb Bed anyway. The herbs she got are Stevia, Chamomile (it smells like apples), Tricolor Sage, Mexican Tarragon and our purrsonal favourite...

- Scylla Sunday
Hi, would you like to see our herb garden? Mommy planted the herbs around the bird feeder. Basil Purple Ruffles German Chamomile I like the color of the leaves on this Basil. This is Basil too. Mommy grew it from seeds. OK, I needs a nap now. Brian, do...

- Baa Baa, Black (and White) Sheep
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- After The Rains
There is something utterly delightful about the smell of the airafter it has been freshly cleansed by Spring rains.There is a clarity that fills your nostrils and makes its way into your lungs...an energy, a freshness that fills you with the smell of...

- Minerva, Master-weeder
Amazingly, since Minerva has taken up residence in the garden, it is virtually weed free (we won't mention that I spent the entire past week on my hands and knees). Regardless, the garden is the best it has ever looked at this point of the season....

