Flowers on Friday by Charybdis

Flowers on Friday by Charybdis

Mommy has been busy working in the butterfly garden. She divided the Bugle Weed, so far it seems to be doing OK. I tried to help but she insisted that I was just stepping on the plants.
This is one of my favourite pictures of the garden. I love the sunshine.

This Chinese Hibiscus shouldn't be blooming but it is. The Lantana on the other hand should be blooming up a storm but isn't. We like the pretty pink and yellow Lantana better then the orange, but the orange Lantana is doing a better job blooming this year.

- Thursday In The Garden
The Pineapple Sage is blooming, it looks very lovely. The Victoria Blue Salvia is still blooming, we are very pleased with it. The Gladiolas are getting in on the act. The Peace Lily and Coleus are putting on a show, the Coleus is even blooming. The Gardenias...

- Thankful Thursday In The Garden
 The too much rain in July has lead to all sorts of problems in the garden, but we wanted to concentrate on the nice things. The yellow lantana is blooming, it is very cheerful,  and we likes the white lantana too.  The cactus is blooming....

- Thursday In The Garden
Rain water is delicious. The Butterfly likes our Lantana. The Foxglove is blooming in the Charybdis Bed. Purple Lantana, it is more delicate then the pink & yellow. Help yourself to the fresh water. There is plenty for everyone. The Hibiscus blooming....

- Flowers On Friday
The Flowering Maple is blooming. I think it's gorgeous. The Lantana is blooming and the Candle Bush I planted in the middle seems to be doing OK. Two of the Cat Nip/Cat Mint plants are still alive, they haven't bloomed yet though. Isn't...

- The Whiskers Memorial Butterfly Garden
We are all still grieving over the loss of Whiskers. In order to honor his memory we have decided to create a butterfly garden around his grave site. He enjoyed being around his family and this will give us a peaceful spot to sit close to his grave and...

