Flowers on Friday by Charybdis

Flowers on Friday by Charybdis

I know Scylla usually tells you about the flowers, but as it is muddy outside she is letting me do it. Isn't this pink flower pretty. We do not know it's name.

Our Candle Bush is getting ready to bloom.

The beans haven't finished putting the greenhouse back together. I am taking a break from snoopervising in the shade. ~Charybdis

- Thursday In The Garden
This Camellia is in our neighbors yard it is huge and full of blooms we hope ours will be as large one day. This cactus is blooming in our greenhouse. The Mandevilla  is safe from Jack Frost in our greenhouse too. Some Canna Lilies that...

- Society Of Feline Gardeners ~ The Cats
We loves our Confederate Roses. This one starts off white and turns pink as the day goes on. The Candle Bush is another pretty flower that blooms is the fall. We thinks it looks particularly pretty with the purple Mexican Petunias. Fall is a good...

- Flowers On Friday With Scylla & Fenris
This is a wild grass that grows in our yard it has pretty blue flowers. We have left several large clumps of it when we cut grass because it is so pretty. This is Purple Heart. We planted it in the front flower bed. Daddy made this flower bed for us....

- Flowers On Friday
The Confederate Rose starts off as a very pale pink and gets darker as the day goes on. This one is up at the house. This one is down at the butterfly garden and you can see the Candle Bush in the background. The flowers in our hanging basket are very...

- Photo Hunt ~ 13 (pictures)
1.) This azalea bloom is half white and half pink. I love my Encore Azaleas as they bloom all year. The blooms are also interesting. 2.) Scylla & Charybdis are having a mock battle. Scylla was defeated and left unconscious in the chair. (She is really...

