Fresh Veggies

Fresh Veggies

the first taste of summer has arrived on our plates.

A bit early this year,
our asparagus is coming up like crazy.
Each day another few shoots break through the soil and
work their way towards the sun.

Unfortunately for them, their climb toward warmth and light
is cut short.

And so they end up on our dinner plate!
Yummy, tender, juicy, sweet spears that 
are loaded with vitamins....
so different from that which you buy in the store.
Those spears have been picked and packed and shipped...
using gallons of fuel, only to arrive at the store with half the taste
and even less of the nutritional value.

You just can't beat eating something within moments of being picked.

If you have never considered planting asparagus crowns,
you might want to think about it.
The process is simple.
Plant the root,
and it will grow.
Let it gain strength the first year...don't eat.
The second year you can eat half and leave half.
The third year you can eat your fill.
Aside from keeping the bed weeded and mulched,
there is little care to be done.

Easy peasy....and so, so delicious!!

While I was picking our dinner's worth of veggies,
this loaf was doing its second rise (called proofing)...

It is a multi grain loaf that is loaded with whole wheat bulgar, oat groats,
sunflower seeds, and chia seeds.

Do you use chia seeds?

Yes, chia seeds are what are in those "Chia Pets" that are popular Christmas gag gifts.
Amazingly, chia seeds are very high in anti oxidants and a great additive to baked
goods for an extra nutritional boost.
You might want to consider buying some Chia seeds at your local health food store.
You can sprinkle them on your cereal, on your PBJ, in your baked goods...
just about anywhere!
Last evening I found Hubbs with a fork and his vinegar and oil
standing beside the salad table.

He can hardly wait for these little shoots to get just a bit bigger...
then fresh organic greens will accompany our meals.
I love spring and summer...
it gives us the chance to truly reduce our carbon footprint,
and quite nutritiously, I might add!

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