

If I had Hands instead of paws I could type much better and it wouldn't take nearly as long to do my Mancat Monday post. (sigh) I guess I'll just have to make do with my paws, unless Mommy will come give me a hand. ~Socks

- Tuiren Tuesday
You want to know how I scared my Mommy to death?????? It was simple really see I am a sleepy head. I am always the last one up. Usually I stays in bed until Mommy comes outside and drinks her second cup of coffee on the porch swing. So she had finally...

- Fenris Friday
I won Garth's Frosty Paws Contest. You can read about the contest here. I got coupons for Frosty Paws and a cute stuffed doggie that I wasn't allowed to destuff. Mommy says he will be given a home with one of the little nephews. I did get to say...

- Mancat Monday & Fenris Update
 I is spending the day in bed with my sister Scylla. Mommy says we are lazy.  Scylla really knows how to relax.  Mommy loves my spotted belly furs. I really knows how to relax too.  Scylla can't get enough of the electric blanket....

- Alasandra's Purrfurmance Review
Quantity of Output ~ High, we has a post most every day so we guesses we can't complain. Quality of Output ~ we are divided here. Socks & Scylla give Mommy a Medium. We thinks there are way to many pictures of Fenris on our blog, but...

- Mancat Monday
It was cooler at our house yesterday, Mommy actually had on long sleeves. It is suppose to warm back up though. We hope so cause Daddy isn't finished with the greenhouse. We have our paws crossed he will finish before the cold weather comes. The...

