Happy Spring!!!

Happy Spring!!!

Yesterday we enjoyed the calm before the storm.
Sunny, mid-40's...delightful.

All of the animals were out lying in the sun.
It was a peaceful day on the farm...
and one that could convince anyone that Spring was knocking on the door.

And then it snowed....but that's another story.
Today we are just going to ride the pre-spring-wave that was yesterday.

It was the first time in months that the pigs were out sunbathing against their fence.
There is still just a tiny bit of snow in their yard.

Goats and chickens were all out grazing...
a much welcomed sight after such a long period of gray.

Yesterday, the fence man came to measure the area that I am having enclosed
for the sheep.
They will inhabit this area to the left of this fence post 
(which is the front corner of the pig's yard).

The sheep will have the privilege of grazing the apple orchard...
their little sheep droppings acting as a natural fertilizer for the trees.

And once they are all accustomed to each other's presence,
the gate will be opened between sheep and pigs...
allowing the pigs a large grazing area and more companionship.
What fun this adventure is going to be!!

The lambs are Babydoll Southdown sheep.

photo courtesy of oldeenglishbabydollregistry.com

They are a small, docile breed of sheep whose wide face makes them look as though
they are always smiling.
Our lambs are coming from the same farm where Chloe and Daphne were bred.
The lambs are to be born some time between March and May.

I will share photos as soon as I can.

Happy Spring to you, friend!
I hope your weekend is splendid (and not filled with snow!)

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