I am a Great Egret

I am a Great Egret

A large white heron, the Great Egret is found across much of the world, from southern Canada southward to Argentina, and in Europe, Africa, Asia, and Australia. It's the largest egret in the Old World, and thus has garnered the name Great White Egret. But in the Americas, the white form of the Great Blue Heron is larger and warrants that name. In the United States, the Great Egret used to be called the American Egret but that was hardly appropriate, since the species range extends beyond America and indeed farther than other herons.

Cool Facts

- Wildlife Wednesday
Mommy brought some birds back from San Diego. These are Snow Egrets. They were enjoying the beach at La Jolla. If you look closely you can see the Snowy Egret has a yellow foot. This is an Osprey, they are birds of prey. Parts of the beach didn't...

- Wildlife Wednesday By Socks
Great Egret Green Heron Mommy and I saw these awesome birds when we were weeding in The Butterfly Garden. I just love Mom's new flower it spins around when the wind is blowing. I thought about pouncing on it but decided not to. The Candlebush...

- Mancat Monday ~ Socks
 This is Youngest Boy Bean's bed. I like sleeping in it, and don't you think Sky Blue shows off my furs nicely? I saw this big white bird down at the pond. The Mom thinks it is an Egret or maybe a Mississippi Sandhill Crane. She doesn't...

- Fun & Feathers Friday
Charybdis is in the box, she is trying to get whatever is making the scratching sound. I thinks it is Daddy making the noise. I will get his hand if I can. I thinks Charybdis looks very silly in the boxI am very fast, I almost got my DaddyI thinks it...

- Friends & Feathers On Friday By Scylla, Charybdis & Sockie~pooh
This is a Swallow-Tailed Kite. It was almost directly over Mommy's head when she took this picture. Like sensible cats we were hiding under Daddy's shop. It's a very BIG bird guys and could possibly gobble us up. We saw it swoop down and get...

