Shave And A Haircut, Two Bits

Shave And A Haircut, Two Bits

Come, sit on the swing with me...
The wisteria is in full bloom.

Let's swing, listen to the bees buzz, and catch up a bit, ok?

Before I go any further...
I have to put your minds at rest.
We stocked our pond this spring with feeder minnows...
so the carp have plenty to eat.
The baby ducks are safe!
Whew!  I knew you would be relieved.  We try not to let anything to chance.

The farm has been so busy the past week since our return home from vacation.
It has been raining here and there, so the grass has grown at an alarming rate,
as have the weeds.
The good news, though, is that the vegetables in the garden have been keeping pace with the grass.
We have been harvesting sugar peas, broccoli, spinach, kale, chard, green beans and radishes
on a daily basis.
Meals have never been more fresh and healthy.

The roses are blooming.


The gooseberries are ready for picking.
Every spring I make Hubbs his very favorite gooseberry pie.
Even with adequate sugar, it's a sour pie...which is just what he calls it..."sour pie."

I am thinking that I will try making gooseberry jam.
"Sour jam" I presume.
Gooseberries are the sour cousin of the red currant.

So, aside from mowing, weeding, harvesting,
I have been getting caught up with animal chores...
like grooming, hoof trimming, clipping, bathing....
believe me, the list is never ending.

As usual, the Littles have not shed out their winter coats quickly enough to beat the heat.
Each spring I take matters into my own hands and clip off their furry winter coats.

Ollie, first...

then Red...

until a large pile of fur lies on the aisle floor.

That will make life much cooler for the little guys.

I have been spending a little time getting ready for a family wedding.
My son, Andy, is marrying his Ashley on June 21st.
This Saturday we are hosting a shower for Ashley on the farm...
so I have been busily preparing for that.
I will share pictures from the shower after Saturday.

I have also been doing a little more planting,
and a little repurposing.

I thought this old market cart would make a great cage for a tomato plant.

And I love old hollow logs to use as planters.

Hubbs found me this one in our woods.
I hope to find lots more.

So, you see...
life is very busy right now.
I am so glad you stopped by for a visit and a swing.
It gave me a chance to sit still and enjoy the wisteria.
Thanks for that!!

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