A Taste of Spring

A Taste of Spring

Last year we planted at least 30 asparagas roots. They all came up and we had lovely fern-like plants in one corner of our garden. Being that they were so new, we restrained from eating any of their tender shoots...giving them adequate time to establish themselves and healthy plants. This year, however, we have been treated to a short feast of the freshest, greenest, sweetest, most tender asparagas shoots stalks that I have ever tasted. Again we must restrain ourselves. We are limiting our consumption to two weeks of cutting to again give our young plants adequate time to strongly mature. Next year will be a whole new chapter. I am hoping that we will be up to our necks in asparagas next Spring. I can hardly wait to make homemade cream of asparagas soup and eat it fresh until I just about explode! What we are unable to consume, we will freeze. But til then we will have to be satisfied with just a taste of things to come.

- Spring Fever...the Donkey Way
Spring does crazy things to us all! I am really not sure what was up with Chloe and Daphne yesterday,however... when they came in to their dry lot from having pasture time,they were all wound up. They kept spinning circles...nose to butt... nibbling...

- Fresh Veggies
Ahhhhh....the first taste of summer has arrived on our plates. A bit early this year,our asparagus is coming up like crazy.Each day another few shoots break through the soil andwork their way towards the sun. Unfortunately for them, their climb toward...

- It's Asparagus Time
Asparagus time is one of my favorite seasons in the garden. Each Spring it is the first crop to be harvested and a sure sign that winter is over. I find great comfort in seeing these purplish/green shoots emerging from the earth. It is reassurance that...

- Demolition Continues
Here is how the old house looks today. The garage is completely deconstructed. The excavator dug a hole in one of our fields....and there we will bury just drywall and cinderblock. Everything else in the house will be recycled! Yay!!!! Who's head...

- Goodbye Garden
How amazing is it that one day you have 20 or so pepper plants loaded with all different varieties and the next day they are gone? Chalk that one up to a killing frost. The past couple of nights have brought Bee Haven Acres temperatures in the very low...

