Lets Try This.....

Lets Try This.....

Here is a link to our goat video as previously mentioned. Enjoy!!

- Hot, Muggy Afternoons
It's been a little while since we have visited with Ginger and MaryAnn.Don't worry, I actually visit with them every day.Most days when I walk into their yard, they come running to see me. Today, however, they are both busy eating.So, instead...

- A Run With The Boys
Yesterday was a day off the farm for me...a trip into town to take care of some business and run errands. Upon arrival home, I mentioned to Hubbs that I had no ideas for my next blog post.He was getting ready to go for a run and suggested that I do a...

- Happy Birthday To Me And Another Cute Goat Video
Yesterday was my birthday.Yes... Another year has crept up on me. My birth certificate claims that I am 54 this year. (I am sure it is wrong!)There has to be a mistake. Surely, a clerical error of some sort! In my heart, I am still 20-something.(My bones,...

- Forrest The Lap Goat
Last year's kids are now a year old. You might remember a video that I had posted last Spring of a tiny kid jumping onto my back and then leaping into the air with glee. That goat was Forrest and Forrest has grown into quite a large boy now. The only...

- The Ups And Downs Of Goats
I have wonderful video footage of these girls playing on their see-saw....up and down and playfully ramming each other, however my video was shot with too high a resolution and I cannot upload it. (Note to self: reset camera and get some IT help to see...

