Scylla Sunday playing with Socks

Scylla Sunday playing with Socks

 Socks used to play with me a lot and then one day he got hurt bad (his chest got ripped open and had to have staples in it) and he got really HISSED OFF at me about it. As if it was my fault. After that he avoided me and we didn't play much, but after Arty went missing he would play with me a little bit. When I starts getting to rough he goes off and I can't find him. Mommy says he is very good at hiding.  We both really like the nip confections and after he has played with them a bit he is more amendable to playing with me.

 Although if he is allowed to play with them to long he just goes to sleep, after a marathon grooming session.

 We each has our favorites.

 I even have a thing for the box they came in.

Scylla, reporting for ATCAD

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