Mancat Monday

Mancat Monday

 I likes to sleep on Daddy's bookbag, he is very RUDE and makes me get up when he goes to work so he can take it with him.

 We are having some very pleasant weather in the 70s, so I am enjoying outside.

 That doesn't mean I am going to pose for a picture.

 I am not paying attention to you Mommy.

 Do you think if I pose for her she will go away?

 Thinking.......................Ok, what do you guys think?

 OK, I give in. You has one chance to get the purrfect picture.


- Fenris Friday
I know my fans are anxiously awaiting my modeling session. Don't know what some of them would do without their beefcake. But I know Walter was disappointed Tuiren Tuesday got co-opted again, so I asked Tuiren to pose for a picture or two. I had to...

- Tsarina Tuesday
 The Mom finally got a picture of me in the Butterfly Chair. She has been wanting to do this forever and I finally obliged her. I don't know what the big deal is.  Of course I look pretty sitting up here, I always look pretty.  I likes...

- What Nickname Do You Like Best?
I asked Socks if I could borrow some of Mancat Monday to enter Sarge's contest and he said yes. THE NICKNAME GAMEMy peeps have a whole bunch of nicknames for me.  Some are cute, some are sweet, some are silly, and some are just plain RUDE! ...

- Mancat Monday
 I am hanging out in the Hummingbird Cottage with my sisters.  and the Mom, this is what I think of her picture taking.  OK, I'll pose for ONE picture, are you happy now?  I likes to sit in the shade where it is cool.  Scylla...

- Seriously Socks
 I don't know why the beans are all excited that this dude is coming to town. I mean look at him, he needs a good shave. And who wants a basket full of apples, tuna yes, apples not so much.  For some reason Mommy wants to me to pose with...

