Seriously Socks

Seriously Socks

 I don't know why the beans are all excited that this dude is coming to town. I mean look at him, he needs a good shave. And who wants a basket full of apples, tuna yes, apples not so much.
 For some reason Mommy wants to me to pose with this dude. Really Mom, I has much better things to do with my time.
 Seriously, I has to think of a cure for something or another. Anything would be more important then posing with him.
 Treats!!!!!! did you say I'll get treats if I pose with Saint Nick, well why didn't you say so to start with Woman.

I calls this my naughty pose. ~Socks

- Fenris Friday
We won this terrific prize from Dakota's Den.  They has Pet Cakes by Lucky Paws for Dogs and Cats. These are the ones for cats. You has a tray in the shape of fish to bake (microwave) them in. We were going to show you Mom's cooking but...........first...

- Tsarina Tuesday
 The Mom finally got a picture of me in the Butterfly Chair. She has been wanting to do this forever and I finally obliged her. I don't know what the big deal is.  Of course I look pretty sitting up here, I always look pretty.  I likes...

- Tsarina Tuesday
Of course I will pose for you Mommy. I likes making you happy. I thinks you can get a good picture of me here. I will sit up real straight for you. This flower bed is looking good, you are doing a good job taking care of it Mommy. Here I'll stand...

- Mancat Monday
 I likes to sleep on Daddy's bookbag, he is very RUDE and makes me get up when he goes to work so he can take it with him.  We are having some very pleasant weather in the 70s, so I am enjoying outside.  That doesn't mean I am going...

- Horsing Around
Another wonderful thing about this time of year is apples.Our orchard is full of apples...yummy, juicy, sweet/tart apples. Not only are they a favorite snack for us,but also for the horses. Yesterday I treated the horses to a little game....bobbing...

