Mancat Monday by Socks

Mancat Monday by Socks

I am trying to teach my sisters good table manners.

Don't you just love the way Scylla & Charybdis' tails point up?

Stay tuned one day soon you may see a picture of me eating with Fenris. Canned Chicken Soup even if it is the dog food variety is worth sharing a meal with a doggie.  Mommy was just to slow about getting the camera we gobbled the food up before she recovered from the shock of seeing me sharing a meal with Fenris. The dingbats I have for sisters are still afraid of him. ~Socks

PSA: Swine Flu and your pet.

- Fenris Friday
We won this terrific prize from Dakota's Den.  They has Pet Cakes by Lucky Paws for Dogs and Cats. These are the ones for cats. You has a tray in the shape of fish to bake (microwave) them in. We were going to show you Mom's cooking but...........first...

- Scylla Sunday
I LOVES this box. Not only is it a good box to lay in but do you know what was in it? Canned catfood. Mommy has had trouble finding my diet canned catfood at the grocery store and she didn't feel like driving to Petsmart so she ordered it online....

- Socks Update
I am doing good. I am actually a good boy about taking my medicine unlike certain sisters I know (Scylla). I hid under the printer stand for awhile. Now that I am feeling better I am dividing my time between sleeping in Mommy's chair and on Eldest...

- 50-50 And Turtles
Nikita and Elvira picked a winner for their contest. You simply must read the cute story they created about picking the winner Soups On! Announcing Summer Travel Stories, and Tips Contest Winner, and yes it did drive us nuts with suspense as we were one...

- Petfood Worries
This is just gross Nebraska By-Products converts unwanted dead animals into high-energy dog food, other useful products. And this just makes us sick A year to forget at Menu Foods It was a year Paul Henderson says he would rather forget. From the moment...

