Oh, I wish I had a camera!

Oh, I wish I had a camera!

We spent some time weeding the Whiskers Memorial Butterfly Garden. The lantana is beginning to bloom, it looks really nice.

Sockie~Pooh, Scylla & Charybdis had a ton of fun playing hide~n~seek in the rocks. I wish I could have gotten a picture of them.

I am trying to decide between the Canon PowerShot A710 IS and the Canon PowerShot SD800 IS. Any feed back would be appreciated.

- Memorial. ~ Photo Hunt
The Whiskers MEMORIAL Butterfly Garden was created as a MEMORIAL to Whiskers. He died March 2007 of kidney failure as a result of the Petfood Recall. When Charybdis died she was buried with Whiskers in the Whiskers MEMORIAL Butterfly Garden and we placed...

- Photo Hunt ~ In Memory
We planted the WHISKERS' MEMORIAL BUTTERFLY GARDEN IN MEMORY of Whiskers. This is were Whiskers is buried. This is an explosion of purple verbena, it is very pretty and the butterflies love it. Mommy planted wisteria in the Whiskers' Memorial...

- Being A Cat Is So Much Fun
We had the bestest time playing with Daddy this weekend. Mommy said bestest isn't a word and that is should have been best, but it was better then best. Charybdis is trying to drink out of Daddy's glass. I think she needs to figure out how...

- Thursday Thirteen (the Sockie~pooh Edition)
Thirteen Things about Sockie~Pooh Sockie~Pooh is a very sweet natured cat. Sockie~Pooh isn't any particular breed. The vet list him as a domestic short hair. Sockie ~ Pooh survived the pet food recall that claimed the life of his older brother,...

- My Misadventures Outdoors
Yesterday wasn't my day to do yard work. First I took the gruesome twosome (Scylla & Charybdis) outside to play. Charybdis tried to jump into my lap. Apparently she misjudged her abilities she landed about mid way up my knee and dug in her claws....

