My People, My Piggies

My People, My Piggies

While I was visiting Amy of Verde Farm
in West Virginia this weekend,
(she is the "piggy Mama" that sold us our new babies)
we were discussing all of the friendships we had made in the blogging world.

(And yes, you are right -  the pictures have nothing to do with the story....
just pictures from the past two days.)

Her comment was "These are my people."
I agreed whole heartedly with her.
Through blogging I have found so many like minded friends.
I'd like to think we are of the same tribe.
Perhaps the "Keepers of the Earth" tribe.

Sadie's favorite time of year....snow season! you I say:
You are my people.
You get me.
All I have to do is read your comments (which I always do)
to see that we think alike.

We sure do love to eat!
When I rant and rave, you back me up.
When I am brimming with joy, you are there to share it.
When I need support, you are there to give it.
And when I set out on another wacky animal adventure,
you are there cheering me on!

It has been a privilege and a pleasure to share my farm life and my farm family with you.
On the days when there is no one to talk to, besides my critters,
you are there ready to chat.
We have shared many cups of tea over the years...
you keep me company every morning after chores are finished,
and I sit down to eat breakfast.

Leo has found "his people"...pigs!
Blogging has helped me to always look for the positive side to all that happens
on the farm so that I can share it with you.
My hope is that my stories bring a smile to your face,
or maybe challenge you to try something new....
like a backyard flock of chickens.

Catching chickens before the "big move".
July's batch of chicks are grown.... we moved them into the main chicken coops this weekend.
Thanks for being there....
you truly are "my people"!

PS....It is very hard to get anything done right now...
these piggies are just about the cutest, sweetest beings on the face of the earth.
All I want to do is hug them, hold them, and rub their bellies....
and yes....kiss their cute little pink noses!!

Leo feels like I do.
He, too, is in love!
Three peas in a pod.

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