National Cat Day

National Cat Day

How better to celebrate National Cat Day than with pictures of cats, and well me and Yin are the cutest kittens around.

We loves to play, the family room has all sorts of wonderful thing to play with.

We love Queen Scylla's Palace.

The deck has a great view of the doggies. Dog TV is the ultimate in entertainment.

The Hanging Mouse Inn is very cozy for napping, but it makes a great launch pad too.

I needs a nap, so I am going to let Yin meow now. ~Yang reporting for ATCAD

Finally, my brother is pretty long winded, don't you think? As you can see I am playing with Mommy's camera case.

Mommy has a terrible time getting pictures of me because when I see the camera I run straight to it.

I want to play with it, the case is the next best thing.

It matches my furs, so I thinks it should belong to me.

I really don't understand why Mommy insist its  not a toy.

When you are my age everything is a toy. ~Yin, reporting for ATCAD

- Shoes
There was an old woman who lived in a shoe......................... she had so many kittens she didn't know what to do. Don't you thinks I look cute in the shoe? I am trying my best to look really adorable, do you thinks I nailed it. ~Yang, reporting...

- It's Time For Yoga
These little guys are taking up all our peoples time. Youngest named Yin and Yang, and Yang loves to sleep on him. Poor little Yang, hard to believe a few days ago he almost died. He is back to being an energetic little kitten. Yin loves to play, she...

- Scylla Sunday ~ Toy Review
Just look at the pawesome cat toys the  nice people at The Natural Pet Company asked us to review. I LOVE them all. The balls are neat. They makes a nice tinkling sound when you bat them around. Mommy was a little worried about the purrty ribbons,...

- Tsarina Tuesday
 I take my job as Scylla;s personal trainer very seriously. I am trying to get her to come down and play with me but she is being stubborn and insisting on sitting on the desk. I am sure I don't know why she doesn't want to come down and...

- We Are Wordy Wednesday Challenge Players
The beans call me Ninja cat, cause I appear out of thin air and disappear at will. Charybdis and Whiskers never got to play when they were alive but if you visit The Last Meow and Charybdis, they are playing today. Since Mommy made their pictures they...

