Of Course There is a Part Two!

Of Course There is a Part Two!

There are certain days in ones life that are truly perfection....
those crystal clear, blue-skied, I-don't-ever-want-it-to-end kind of days.

You know the ones...
that you squeeze every last ounce of life from as the sun slips behind the horizon.

I don't like going out on a limb,
but yesterday was one of the top 10 days of my life.

And that is pretty spectacular, because I have had more than my share of great days!

Tyler and I had a list of chores to do that included fixing the outer door to the 
chicken yard... the yard that is attached to our brooder house.

You see, our chicklets are big enough to go outside to play now,
so we had to make sure that their yard was secure.
We added a tarp to the roof of the yard for shade,
opened the door,
and waited.

And waited, and waited and waited.
Yep...that's all the further those wacky little hens decided to go.
And on the most spectacular day of the year, so far...
they just stood in the doorway and stared out into the yard.

We spent quite a bit of time working in the garden.

We planted Swiss Chard,

and watered the young plants.

Tyler is the best helper and amazingly his attention span is quite long.

Best of all.... he works for free!!

When the work was complete, we picnicked in the new pavilion...

and played in the grass....

running down the hill, collapsing, and feeling the warm grass on our skin.
If this were to be my last day on earth, I can honestly say that I spent it the best I could.
Life doesn't get any better than this.

For those of you who were interested in my bucket/ladder project...
here it is...
(with time, the sweet potato vines will cascade down the sides)

I'm lovin' it!

And the new flower box outside the greenhouse...

will get a coat of paint today.
It is supposed to be another perfect day.
Pinch me!

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