Saturday Sharing - More Geese

Saturday Sharing - More Geese

 We thought we would share more pictures of the geese family. These were taken the day they hatched, April 9th. 

 Our Grancy Greybeard is fixing to bloom. It is really purrty when it does.

Socks is going to tell a funny story that happened long ago with the Geese Family. (Socks) OK, I don't know for sure these are the same geese but when Whiskers was alive the Geese would come right up to the house and they actually hung out with Whiskers. A gosling ran right over his paw once and he never moved a muscle. Anyway one day Mommy was coming back from the grocery store and the Geese Family were in the driveway. Well the STUPID GANDER attacked Mommy's car. Mrs. Goose was very sensible and just lead the goslings off but the Stupid Gander wouldn't leave the car alone. Mommy had to get out of the car and chase him off with a stick, cause she was afraid of hurting him with the car.  ~Socks reporting for Alasandra, The Cats & Dogs

- Wildlife Wednesday
 The Geese are back it looks like we have Mrs Goose and Mr Gander with the full grown Goslings from last year. We counted 7 Geese down at the pond. ~ATCAD ...

- Wildlife Wednesday & Happy Birthday Marg
Graphic by Ann of ZoolatryOur friend Marg from Marg's Animals is having a birthday today. We want to wish her a Happy Birthday. She is a good friend who helps all in the cat/dog/donkey/etc blogosphere, we have really enjoyed getting to know her and...

- Wildlife Wednesday
A lot of our friends have commented on how rude the geese they know are. Ours must have attended a Manners Class as they are very nice. We thoughts we would tell you a little about them. We don't know where they come from but sometime in late January...

- Wildlife Wednesday ~ Geese
The Goose Family. When they first hatched their were seven goslings. They are down to six now. They can swim and walk real good. Their parents are very vigilant. They leave our property sometimes and go into the field next door. But they  have been...

- Wild Wednesday
 There are some new Geese visiting our pond.  Mommy thinks she saw the Geese Family on her way to the Grocery Store. She said the goslings had gotten big and she hopes Mr Gander & Mrs Goose will keep them out of the road, which is where...

