Wildlife Wednesday ~ Geese

Wildlife Wednesday ~ Geese

The Goose Family. When they first hatched their were seven goslings. They are down to six now.

They can swim and walk real good.

Their parents are very vigilant.

They leave our property sometimes and go into the field next door.

But they  have been coming back, so maybe this year we will get to see them grow up..

The goslings are very good at hiding.

We likes it when they swim all in a row and we can see them.

They  can walk around good too.

Aren't they adorable?

They aren't the least bit afraid of us cats and dogs. 

After reading several comments we has to say our geese are very well behaved. As long as we leave them alone they leave us alone. Fenris and the Gander do play together but their seems to be a mutual agreement on both sides, as no one gets hurt, and it really does look as if they are playing. They mainly stay on the back side of the property when they are here, they spend most of their time in the field next door so they don't poop in our yard much.We actually enjoys having them around, but we are glad that it is just one Goose family and not a whole gaggle of them.

~Tuiren, reporting for Alasandra, The Cats and Dogs

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