Saturday Suprise

Saturday Suprise

 Chloe is an Italian Greyhound that Eldest Boy Bean dogsat for a friend of his.

 She is a very well mannered little lady.

But Fenris wants to know why he isn't allowed to sleep in Eldest Boy Bean's bed?  And Socks wants to know why there was a dog sleeping in his bed?

~Arty Mouse,  reporting on the suspicious activity at our house and the disgruntled guys.

- Mancat Monday
 Can you believe my Mean Mommy gave me a bath, it isn't enough she sticks PILLS down my throat now she thinks I need to be dumped in a BATH TUB to get clean.  I do NOT APPROVE!!!!!  I do like the way she fixed my water bowl. Mommy finally...

- Who Dat Wednesday
Do you know who this is? It isn't  ME!!!!! (Mr. Who). This is Chloe, she belongs to a friend of Eldest Boy Bean, she comes stays at our house sometimes. ~Mr. Who ...

- Mancat Monday
 Did I really tell Mommy she needed to take more photos of me. Now she is disturbing my slumber.  And I was having such a nice dream about Samantha too. I guess I could give Mommy my bedroom eyes for all the lady cats viewing pleasure and my...

- Scylla Sunday
 When it is cold I likes to stay inside and sleep in Eldest Boy Bean's bed with Socks. Do any of you want to come join us? A kitty pile is just the thing to stay warm on a cold winter day. Well behaved doggies are welcome too.  I enjoyed...

- Mancat Monday
I likes to sleep on Daddy's Joe Rocket suit. He has to wear it when it is cold out to stay warm on his bike, which he has to ride now rain, sunshine, sleet or snow as the eldest boy bean has his truck at college. Daddy is happy that eldest boy bean...

