Scylla Sunday

Scylla Sunday

It has been so cold out that we are all staying inside, but I enjoy the sun puddles that come inside with us.

We treasure the sunny days. We has way to many GRAY days in the winter. Yesterday it was gray all day long and then it started drizzling rain. Mommy said is was like being inside a giant cloud. ~Scylla reporting for ATCAD

- Mancat Monday
I am doing a rather LONG post today, so I asked Scylla to provide some assistance as she is part of the story. When last Scylla went to the Vet for her annual checkup, she broke the old gray carrier, which is so old even Whiskers used it.  They had...

- Tsarina Tuesday ~ Artemisia
I got all wet again. Mr Cloud we needs to have a serious chat. You are NOT suppose to open the flood gates and let the rain out when I am outside playing. You may let it rain all you want when I am inside sleeping and eating. In fact you needs to do...

- Gray Days
Yesterday morning as the sun rose there was a brief promise of sun...the orange horizon setting the stage for a day predicted to melt what was left of the snow. It wasn't long, however, 'til a thick cloud bank filled the skyand all hopes for...

- Sunshine And Smoking Jackets
That Polar Vortex that we've all been hearing about so much this winter seems to be stuck in our area.And from what I hear, it's not leaving any time soon! We had a fresh snowfall Tuesday,so when the sun finally came out yesterday,it was...

- Too Many Shades Of Gray!
It's that time of year when days pass,seemingly unending... with no sunshine. Endless days of gray....cloudy skies, snow flurries, cold... from sun-up 'til sun-down. Upon awakening, my eyes are greeted by the gray light of longer...

