Scylla Sunday

Scylla Sunday

Mommy and Daddy got a new mattress and box springs for their bed. I thinks they should leave the old one out in the garage for me. Don't you think it makes a purrfect Scylla Bed?

Sorry Scylla I heard the Daddy say it was too big to leave in the garage for you and that he is taking it to the Salvation Army. Hopefully someone else can use it for something.

We will see about THAT!!!! Daddy I will pounce on you if you take my mattress off.  Daddy: Sorry Scylla it takes up to much room in the garage. Why don't you go play.

How do you like the Scylla Sack?

I wishes I had somebody to pounce on.

- Sibling Saturday
Scylla likes to sleep on Youngest Boy Bean's desk.  I prefer to snooze in the Hummingbird Cottage during the day.  And outside the Scylla Palace at night. The  Kitty Speed Bump from Catpods is  a purrfect foot rest. Scylla won...

- Fenris Friday
Look WHO is trying to steal my CANNED DOGFOOD that I only get ONCE a month.  Mommy says that Scylla has a few screws lose. See Scylla always acts terrified of me when I am trying to be friendly and even when I am ignoring her if we are in the same...

- Socks Update
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- Artemisia @ Play
I love to play and I love all the toys that we have here. I am getting along better with Scylla. We actually sleep with each other sometimes. She still gets all hissy & growly when I pounce on her and she doesn't want to play. Socks says I...

- Twins On Tuesday ~bedtime
I convinced Mommy that I needed to sleep with her. Mommy says I look like a little angel when I am asleep. ~Charybdis Daddy bought me this pawsome bed. It is just the right size. He had to take some things out that go on his feet. Not sure why they...

