Sleep, Eat, Poop, Repeat.....

Sleep, Eat, Poop, Repeat.....

These past few days we have been given a reprieve from the wintry weather.
Our snow is all but gone...
save for a few foothills left by the plow.

The animals all enjoy this return to Autumn.
None of us were too comfortable inside Winter's icy grip.

Hubbs and I loaded Ginger and MaryAnn into the gator
and took them for a ride up to the goat pens.
One uninhabited pen became their play-yard for a part of yesterday afternoon.

My observation of these little girls is that they are much like human babies...
they eat, poop, sleep, repeat....
pretty much all day long.

Once in their sunny enclosure, they nosed around a bit,

made friends with goats...

 ignored the turkeys who were just as curious as everyone else about these
short, round newcomers...

said "Hi" to Becky's golden retriever, Rosie
(who looks like she might have found a few puddles to swim in)....

ate a tiny bit....

pooped a little bit more....

and took a nap in the afternoon sun. 

And that is about as exciting as it gets.

The piggies have settled in to life on the farm quite easily,

Meanwhile, Moonbeam's hoof abscess has healed nicely.
We are done with dressing changes.

Construction has continued this week with the nice weather.
The roof is finished and the siding is started.

The empty space between the siding and the roof will be covered with a translucent panel
allowing natural sunlight to fill the interior.
 Completion date is set for Thanksgiving.

It has been great to return to Autumn.
The colorful leaves are gone...
replaced by bare branches and browning grass.

In spite of that, though,
we will savor each temperate afternoon that we are treated to...

knowing that all too soon,
Winter will clutch us with its icy fingers and breathe its frosty breath down our necks.
Long live Autumn!!

- Just An Ordinary Day
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- As Requested: Saturday Encore: What A Trip!
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- Friends
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