Socks ~ Mancat Monday

Socks ~ Mancat Monday

 Do I get treats for modeling?

 OK, you can take my picture.

 I used to love to play with the Dragonfly. Artemisia ate it though. Thankfully Mommy got the plastic away from her before she digested it.




We got fishes for Christmas and they are as much fun as the Dragonfly was. We also won a neat Birdie as a prize that is tons of fun. Even Scylla likes playing with it. She likes it so much she will play with it by herself.  We will be showing you pictures soon.

Scylla's boyfriend King Brian had a special request that I think is very important. He ask that I please remind you of the importance of helping out your local shelters. And I wants to add that if you see a kitty or doggie in need please do what you can to help. I  knows that it will be greatly appreciated. ~Socks

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- Mancat Monday ~ Socks
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- Product Review ~ Cat Quest
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