Tsarina Tuesday ~Artemisia

Tsarina Tuesday ~Artemisia

 Mommy insist that I eats the most. She says I eats more the Fenris and the beans call me PigMouse. I thinks this is rude.
 I isn't fat, I is fluffy. See even my tail is more fluffy then Scylla's and Socks' tails.

 And I certainly don't weigh more then Fenris. (Shhhh don't tell him I was eating his dog food earlier when he was outside).
So why do the beans think I am a PIG? ~Artemisia

- Tsarina Tuesday ~artemisia
 I likes to play with Fenris, we are best friends.  Mommy says I am a very brave girl and she doesn't know why people refer to me as Mouse.  Sometimes I follow Fenris around. Don't you just love our tails, we both has fluffy tails. ...

- Three Of You For Joey Cartwright Graves Iii
Joey tagged our Mommy on Face Book so we thoughts us cats and Fenris would answer on the blog. We aren't tagging anyone but feel free to answer the questions and post them on your blog or in our comments. Three people I love - Mommy Daddy & The...

- Tomorrow Is Ayla's Birthday
We got this cool award from Ayla & Iza. Look it even has butterflies on it. Let's see we thinks we are suppose to tell you 9 things about us cats. Artemisia keeps getting leaves in her tail.We all likes dog food and will eat out of Fenris bowl,...

- Beautiful Blogger Award
Ayla & Iza gave us the beautiful award, look it even has butterflies on it. According to the rules, we are supposed to tell you seven new things about ourselfs.  An ya gotta link ta the kitty (that was Ayla & Iza) what awarded it ta ya and...

- Party At Gracie's House ~ Super Bowl Sunday
We are going to Gracie's for a Super Bowl Party, our beans don't watch football so we don't know much about it, but it'll be great fun to hang out with our friends. We have been trying to explain the Super Bowl to Fenris, Artemisia actually...

