The Best Wedding....EVER!

The Best Wedding....EVER!

It was a whirlwind of a weekend...
a trip to Philadelphia for the most spectacular wedding ever!
My son Andy married the love of his life Ashley
and added another daughter to our family.

My feet are tired...
my heart is full.

It was a weekend that I will cherish forever.
I love my kids.... the ones I gave birth to....
Andy and greatest contribution to the world....where has the time gone?
and the ones I gathered... 

Amanda...boy that girl can dance!!
along life's journey...

Ryan, the self-proclaimed unapologetic extrovert... best conversationalist ever!
They are all the light of my life.
And now we add beautiful Ashley to our family.
We are so very lucky!

A few pics from the wedding....

The bar was carved out of ice...

Mother/Son dance...

Three generations...I am so happy to be sandwiched in the middle of these two
beautiful women.

The happy couple....
may your life be an amazing journey...
hand in hand.
We will always be behind you...supporting you, loving you.

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