Tiny Visitors

Tiny Visitors

Yesterday was a special day on the farm.
We had a group of pre-school visitors who came for a tour.

There is just nothing cuter than children and animals.
I think I had as much fun watching them as they had visiting our critters.

They were quite enamored with Minerva, and wondered if she lives in the playhouse
when she is not "working" in the garden!

I am not sure who was happiest here...
Sammy, MaryAnn, or their little visitor!

A tender moment was shared between pig and dog.

Everywhere we walked, Sam and Oakley had someone holding on to them.  
These two boys were so tolerant and gentle!

Sam revelled in the attention!

After our visitors left, MaryAnn hopped in the pool for a swim.
I just love her smile!

She loves the water.

Ginger, on the other hand, prefers mud...
and digs through it with her snout until she finds the perfect place.

And then she flops down and rolls in the mud.

All of our animals have their own personalities
and their own special talents.
I thought I would share Henri's special talent.
Henri is an apricot colored Polish crested rooster who likes to do....

Owl impressions!

Pretty good, huh?
"Who-who looks like an owl?" he says.

Have a great weekend....we will be spending a lot of ours in the garden;
and will be back Monday to share with you.

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