Tonka Toys

Tonka Toys

I would love to give you a construction update, but there is really nothing to show this week. Most of the work done in the past few days has been electrical. The septic people were there to clean our tank....nothing to show, and lucky for you smells can't be transmitted through the internet. Our propane tank was delivered and a hole dug for its' burial. The most impressive work was done by the excavator and his big toys.
Eventually, when all of these toys are gone, we will have a front lawn again...but for now, Tonka Toys and stones are what we have!

- Fenris Friday
 Well it's about time I got a post. I bet all my friends have missed me. Mommy washed all my bedding and my toys, now they don't smell right. Does your Mommy wash your toys and bedding? Do you likes it? Fenris, reporting for ATCAD ...

- Mancat Monday - Updated
I will be going to the vet tomorrow to have my blood work done. They wants to make sure that my thyroid is being controlled by the y/d foods and that I am still producing blood cells like I am suppose to after getting off the steroids. I sure have enjoyed...

- Mancat Monday ~ Nip Review
The nice people at The Natural Pet Company  offered to let  us review their pawesome products. Here I am checking out the  Catnip.  The nip is 100% natural and is very potent. I could smell it even before Mommy opened it. It had me...

- Marketplace Monday Blog Hop ~ Fenris' Favorite Toy
Roo from Roo's Doins is hosting a Giveaway. Roo is hosting a BarkBox / MeowBox Giveaway.  See his 9-24-12 post to see a sample and details to enter.  Deadline is 10-31-12.  This is my favorite toy. Mommy got it for me the day she adopted...

- Twins On Tuesday
Where is our fence?????? This picture was taken Christmas morn, we are looking for our doggie. Some of you know that Sandy Claws promised that we could rescue a doggie for Christmas. He just had one stipulation, Daddy had to build us a fence before...

