Tuiren Tuesday

Tuiren Tuesday

Sigh, weed, weed, weed, that is all Mommy ever does these days. ~Tuiren, reporting for ATCAD

- Mancat Monday
Mom couldn't believe my new friend was practically at the front door. We used to never see squirrels in our front yard, but this year we seem to have a abundance of them. There is even a squirrel that shares the backyard with Fenris & Tuiren....

- Scylla Sunday
 Way back on January 29th it was in the 70s and we went outside, me to play and Mommy to weed.  There are lots of birds fluttering around.  Fenris and Tuiren wish they could hang out at the Hummingbird Cottage with us. They are sitting...

- Fenris Friday
Hello every buddy. I am giving Mommy my come hither look here. Tuiren says I am suppose to play hard to get so I am ignoring her here. I wonders if it will work. According to Tuiren if I wasn't so EASY we would get treats for photo shoots. I went...

- Thursday In The Garden
Our Garlic is blooming, it looks really nice now that Mommy weeded. It is suppose to keep pest away from the roses. The bees and butterflies seem to like it too. Our neighbor gave it to us. He went to the Rainbow Bridge last winter, we are very sads about...

- What Is A Weed?
"What is a weed?  A plant whose virtues have not yet been discovered."Ralph Waldo Emerson Ponder, if you will, the common Roadside Lily.AKA Railroad LilyAKA Outhouse LilyAKA Wash-house Lilya plant, so prolific, that it has the potentialto...

