Wandering Wednesday

Wandering Wednesday

This was the view from Mommy and Daddy's balcony at the Hacienda Hotel.

Mommy enjoyed reading out here while Daddy was at work, she also visited Old Town Friday (March 16)

Flower A
She saw lots of pretty flowers alas she doesn't know their names.
Flower B

OK these she knows as we have them here, but she thought the geraniums were very pretty on the barrels.

Flower C

Flower D

Flower E

Flower F

Flower G

Flower H

Duranta erecta aka Golden Dew Drop, Sky Flower &  Pigeon Berry
We wants one we loves the name Sky Flower.

Bird of Paradise

Flower I

Flower B (just a different color)

Flower C
Somebody asked if we would do another post once we found out all the names. Well if our friends are able to help us identify all the flowers then we could do a gardening post telling abouts them.  DEAL?

After Daddy got off work he took Mommy to Po Pazzo Bar & Grill where they listened to jazz music on the patio, while they enjoyed an appetizer. Mommy didn't know every thing on the plate there was mozzarella cheese, spinach, olives, some sweet tomato stuffs and some meats. Mommy said it was very yummy. For the main course she had Butternut Squash Ravioli (Amaretto cream with caramelized pine nuts), she thought it was delicious and reports that it was sweet enough to be a desert.

- Scylla Sunday ~ The Yoga Kittens Have To Go, Cause I Said So
I smell KITTENS in MY Hummingbird Cottage. The BAD Mommy brought them down here to play. They are suppose to be FOSTER Kittens, they are suppose to be gone by now, but NO! now everybody wants them to stay, even MY Friends in Blogville. I hiss and growl...

- Scylla Sunday (flashback) & What Mommy Got At The Herb & Garden Fest Saturday
I loves to sleep in Mommy's flowerbeds. The flowerpots are pretty comfy too. Except when Mommy waters them. I am looking forward to the butterflies returning, they should be here soon. We have seen a few of the small yellow ones already. I loves...

- Wandering Wednesday
 Mommy ran off and left us. She went to visit Daddy in San Diego. Sunday after it stopped raining they went to Torrey Pines State Natural Reserve.  The saw some Raven's we are very proud of Mommy she caught them with the camera. She did...

- Flowers On Friday With Scylla & Fenris
This is a wild grass that grows in our yard it has pretty blue flowers. We have left several large clumps of it when we cut grass because it is so pretty. This is Purple Heart. We planted it in the front flower bed. Daddy made this flower bed for us....

- Sunday With Scylla
These flowers are growing in our vegetable garden. This is our Mississippi Pink Peas, we had some for supper and they are very tasty. This is a watermellon. Isn't the yellow flower cute. This is okra. It has a pretty yellow flower too. It is a type...

