Weekend Fun

Weekend Fun

Weekends on the farm fly by so quickly,
but are always filled with lots of family, friends and fun!

This past weekend was no exception.
We had visits from family and dear friends with their three golden retrievers.
(Three beautifully coiffed and exceptionally well behaved goldens!)
Yes, sadly, these lovely canine friends put our old smelly, not-as-well-behaved country dogs to shame.

This is 3 month old Oliver, and it was his first trip to the country.
He met the pigs and the donkeys and the horses, and was a very well behaved little man!

We prepared our meals from the garden,
with lots of extra help to harvest.

As for the continuing saga of hay harvesting....

we decided, after working the hay all week, trying to get it dry...
(Thanks Jim for all the help!)
that it was not of the quality we would like, so we decided to give this first cutting
to our dairy farming neighbor (he lets us borrow his equipment).

He baled it in round bales and it ended up being a lot of hay!

We will hopefully get two more cuttings later this summer that we will stow in our barns
for winter usage.

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