What A Difference A Day Can Make!

What A Difference A Day Can Make!

It's hard to believe that this damp, bedraggled boy 
is the very same little red horse who wore his bridle and harness so proudly yesterday.

Goodness, Red!

It's been raining here for the past day and a half,
and the horses are looking wet and filthy.

Rain doesn't seem to bother them in the least.

And, of course, wet hair makes dirt stick all the better...
so, the horses are all a mess.

It seems that everyone else has the better sense to stay in while it rains...

only venturing out when it slows down a bit...

to grab a bite to eat.

Notice our trees are starting to change color.

Tell me, when you look at Red's snout...
don't his nostrils look like little round mouse ears on top of a mouse head?
Do you see it?

Well, the rain has temporarily delayed Red's schooling.
I have been staying indoors and catching up on knitting...
making this little baby pumpkin hat for Halloween...

and tiny hair bows for a certain baby girl.

We need the rain, and goodness knows I have enough to keep me busy indoors for a few days!

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