And The Winner Is....

And The Winner Is....

All names went into a hat and the winner was randomly picked
by Hubbs.

Thanks to all who participated!
It was lovely to read all of your Spring thoughts...
I will re-read them all today as it is raining and muddy and quite chilly here.
There is a roaring fire in the fireplace to chase away the damp...
probably the last of the season.

Drum roll......
And the winner is....

"CarlaMarch 11, 2015 at 9:34 AM
My favorite part of Spring is when the birds finally begin their songs! 
It lets me know that baby season for all critters is not long off."
Email me, Carla with your full name and address....
as well as your choice of apron...
and I will get it into the mail to you!

We will be back with more "Tails" on Monday.
Enjoy your weekend!

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