This Is What Happened To My Homework....

This Is What Happened To My Homework....

The dog ate it...with three dogs, it could happen.
I spilled dinner on it...possibly, what a mess!
It was in my pocket and it went through the laundry.
All plausible reasons....

But the real reason that I don't have a formal blog post today is this...

The dogs needed me on the couch with them!

Seriously...forgive me.
Yesterday was a busy day off from the farm...
filled with dentist appointment and then in the afternoon,
I donned my nurses' scrubs and worked at the office for several hours.

And when I got home....
the couch, oh, the couch...
it called my name.
And with a three dog blanket, it's hard to move.

Yes, friends, it was a Three Dog Night!

- Wayback Wednesday
Are you ready to clown around? Email Tuiren your clown pictures by Feb 1st, to be included in the Clown Tent. We have some pawsome clowns lined up for your enjoyment already. This picture was taken January 2008................... Scylla on the arm of...

- Tails & Toes Tuesday By Charybdis
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- A Rather "fowl" Tale
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- Blue Skies, Sun, And Icicles
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- And Then There Was Sam....
Life happens.You make plans.You change plans.You make new plans.Life happens. Also.... Dogs happen.You bring a dog into the family.You get a second dog to keep the first one company.The first one ages, so you add another dog to keep the secondone company,...

