Life Lessons

Life Lessons

Several of you commented yesterday about how much patience 
certain tasks (like herding turkeys) require.

Patience is one thing that farm living has taught me.
When it comes to nature, living creatures, the seasons, etc...
everything in it's own sweet time.
I have learned to savor those moments as I am sure that some day they will be the ones I miss.

Yesterday, though quite chilly and windy, was another glorious spring day...
made even more special by the surprise of finding this in the garden....

which was quite apropos...
because the mailman brought me these two earth-colored t-shirts just yesterday...

Surely you remember the old song from the musical "Hair"... Aquarius??

And this t-shirt just seemed perfect for garden days...

I spent a bit of time getting this little perennial bed ready for new growth...

It isn't much now, but by mid-summer it will be gloriously colorful and lush.
For now, violas are sunning their smiling little faces.

We played lots of fetch yesterday in the sunshine.

Annie learned the joy of the chase from her big brother.

She also learned a few new lessons in the garden.
tasty treasures (like cat poop) can sometimes be found in the garden...

Did you learn this from Sammy?

And... it's ok to smell Moll on the head...

and even on the belly....

but it is definitely not ok to smell her butt!

Nope, not at all...claws came out in a hurry and little Miss Annie got a good smack!

I think I heard Moll humming "R-E-S-P-E-C-T...Find out what it means to me!"

At the end of the day,
it's good to have a friend with whom to curl up!

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