Mancat Monday

Mancat Monday

Mommy let me go out and sit on the Jungle Gym for awhile. I had a good time. I do NOT like being cooped up indoors.

NO!!!!! I am not ready to go in.

Thanks you for bringing me outside Mommy. I has to go to the vet today to get my blood-work checked, please purr that everything is OK.

~Socks, reporting for Alasandra, The Cats & Dogs

- Scylla And Yang The Movie
Socks said I could do Mancat Monday today so I thought I would show you a video of me and Scylla playing. Some of you know Socks had his teeth cleaned. He did well. He had a small bump on his head but that was just a fluid filled cyst thank Cod. He...

- Mancat Monday - Updated
I will be going to the vet tomorrow to have my blood work done. They wants to make sure that my thyroid is being controlled by the y/d foods and that I am still producing blood cells like I am suppose to after getting off the steroids. I sure have enjoyed...

- Tuiren Tuesday - Heartworm Treatment
Almost at the finish line. Monday I had my second Immiticide Injection and and today I will get the Third Immiticide Injection. So glad I was well enough to continue treatment. Mommy and the vet both agreed I would be happier and more relaxed at home...

- Scylla Sunday
I am hanging out with my sister, us girls have to stick together even if she is a DOG. I scored the nice spacious rug and  Tuiren got the cramped pink bed. We were both happy though. Tuiren goes for her next Heartworm Treatment Monday, we are kinda...

- Mister Who Update
He got a good report from the veterinarian.  Where the pins are isn't draining much (that is GOOD), so his bandage only has to be changed once a week. Mommy will take him back next Monday so they can change it again and they will probably take...

