

I received perhaps the nicest compliment from my hubby yesterday.
And I don't usually put too much thought into compliments,
but his was genuine.
I had just finished painting this sign and hanging it on the greenhouse.

He was looking at the greenhouse and the improvements that I had made over
the past several days both there and in the gardens.
He said..."You are really good at creating sacred spaces."

Sacred spaces are important to me. 
It is always my desire to bring as much positive energy and maybe a little magic
as I can into any place that I spend time...
indoors and outdoors.

I thought about those words....
"Sacred Spaces"...

and that is exactly how I would describe our farm.
A Sacred Space.
A place deserving to be held as sacred.
It is not of my creation,
I am merely the caretaker.

I have stewardship over 140 acres
and responsibility for the welfare of those that inhabit that land,
as well as for the land itself.

I try each day to lovingly care for this tiny piece of our earth and hold it sacred.

How much healthier our earth would be if everyone thought of themselves as
caretakers of sacred spaces!

I love that you stop by to visit
and enjoy this place with me.

I love that you see the magic as well...
the magic of a tiny seedling...
a floating butterfly...
a buzzing bee...
a mama goat and her kid....

and so very much more!

Take a moment, today, to find the sacredness in the place in which you dwell...
and strive to bring some magic and positivity into that space!
Make it your goal to leave that place better than you found it.

Have a happy day!
(I'm sure you will)

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