Scylla on Sunday

Scylla on Sunday

Daddy gave me a new nickname. It is Miss Bossy. I do not think I like this nickname. Mommy laughed and asked if he was referring to Bossy Cow, who is dat? Daddy said it was a reference to both the cow and my bossy personality. I thinks he was insulting me. I shall endeavor not to mind. Brian thinks I am beautiful and that I don't look like a kitty cow at all, what a relief. So I shall just ignore my Daddy, and maybe bite his ankles a time or two for being rude.

Charybdis is being very rude she is biting my back paw.

I am giving her a good scolding, as she is running away.

- What Nickname Do You Like Best?
I asked Socks if I could borrow some of Mancat Monday to enter Sarge's contest and he said yes. THE NICKNAME GAMEMy peeps have a whole bunch of nicknames for me.  Some are cute, some are sweet, some are silly, and some are just plain RUDE! ...

- Socks Update
I am doing good. I am actually a good boy about taking my medicine unlike certain sisters I know (Scylla). I hid under the printer stand for awhile. Now that I am feeling better I am dividing my time between sleeping in Mommy's chair and on Eldest...

- Thank You Islay
Islay gave us this lovely award. For those of you who haven't meet Islay yet, he is a handsome pup who blogs at Charlie's Dog Blog. We are suppose to tell 7 things about ourselves and pass this award on to 15 bloggers who you have recently discovered...

- Scylla Sunday
I thinks most of you know that me &  Charybdis lost our Cat Mom when we were 4 weeks old. Luckily for us Mommy & Daddy agreed to foster us cause we were so little we needed constant care and to be bottle feed. Charybdis had a heart condition....

- Mancat Monday ~being A Big Brother By Socks
A big brother has to teach his sisters how to hunt. Here I am taking Scylla hunting. A big brother also has to keep his sisters out of trouble, if he can. If you biggify the picture you can see me trailing behind Scylla to hopefully keep her out of...

