Scylla Sunday with the Mouse

Scylla Sunday with the Mouse

I decided to spend the day outside, since the weather was so nice.

Mouse, Mouse where are you???????

(Artemisia) Here I am Scylla, I am glad you decided to spend some time out side today.

We can hunt lizards in the Carolina Jessamine. 

Or play chase..............................

Or relax in the lounger......................

Or we can be nice and go help Mommy weed. She has a lot of weeding to do.

Let's be helpful and help Mommy weed. What all does she have in her wagon.

Just making sure you didn't forget anything Mommy. Now get back to weeding I wants to invite Brian over for some romantic garden time and I wants it to look all neat and purrty. ~Scylla

- Scylla Sunday
What am I doing? Nothing................... No you really don't see a mouse by my paw. Oh bother it is running away. Bye, bye mousie.............. What you think I should chase it, you have to be kidding. That would involve moving and I am very happy...

- Thursday In The Garden With Toad
 The Rooster Violets are still looking nice, they are a type of Pansie.  OK, lets head down to the butterfly Garden for awhile.  Our Azalea in full bloom.  The Wisteria, I just loves it.  The Verbena, Mommy you really need to...

- Thank You Islay
Islay gave us this lovely award. For those of you who haven't meet Islay yet, he is a handsome pup who blogs at Charlie's Dog Blog. We are suppose to tell 7 things about ourselves and pass this award on to 15 bloggers who you have recently discovered...

- Beautiful Blogger Award
Ayla & Iza gave us the beautiful award, look it even has butterflies on it. According to the rules, we are supposed to tell you seven new things about ourselfs.  An ya gotta link ta the kitty (that was Ayla & Iza) what awarded it ta ya and...

- Gardening Note
Yesterday I planted some mounding strawberries. I also got the pine-straw out from around the ones we planted last year, got the dead leaves off, and sprayed them with a fungicide. They already have strawberries on them. We should have fresh strawberries...

