Tails & Toes Tuesday by Charybdis

Tails & Toes Tuesday by Charybdis

I like to sleep with my tail stretched out behind me.

Here you can see my toes. I think I have very cute toes.

I am sharing the couch with my brother Socks. He thinks I am silly cause I lay on the arm of the couch. He says I am going to fall off one day. I haven't yet.

- Ffht "and That's Why My Toes Turned Purple . . ."
I am not amused not amused at all. The Yoga Twins have been keeping Mommy so busy she has forgotten to help us blog and her brain is fried and her memory is shot. Anyway I reminded her it was FFHT and asked her to lend me a paw hand. So what did she do...

- Wayback Wednesday
Are you ready to clown around? Email Tuiren your clown pictures by Feb 1st, to be included in the Clown Tent. We have some pawsome clowns lined up for your enjoyment already. This picture was taken January 2008................... Scylla on the arm of...

- Mancat Monday
Isn't Artemisia beautiful when she sleeps.  We likes to share the couch with each other and with our peeps.  I just love that little white tip on her tail.  I likes to hide my head when I sleep.  The flashy box isn't as annoying...

- Seven Cats Maybe More............ By Artemisia
 This is my birth sister Tippy Toes' baby. I guess that means I am the little ones Aunt. Mommy got to pet it but it is so small it went right through the bars of the cage and escaped from Mommy.  This Tabby has interesting markings. Mommy...

- This Is What Happened To My Homework....
The dog ate it...with three dogs, it could happen.I spilled dinner on it...possibly, what a mess!It was in my pocket and it went through the laundry.All plausible reasons.... But the real reason that I don't have a formal blog post today is this......

