Thursday in the Garden ~ Society of Feline Gardeners

Thursday in the Garden ~ Society of Feline Gardeners

As every cat knows relaxing and enjoying your garden is very important.

Fenris is visiting me in the garden today.

I am going to go for a walk with him and point out some of the flowers. Charybdis would you like to come with us?  (I am busy bathing right now, I'll catch up with you two later).

Yellow Mums the red stuff you see is some Cuphea.

Candle Bush

Pineapple Sage
It got HUGE this year.

Goldenrod, it grows wild.

Sea Myrtle, it grows wild too.

Do you know the name of this wildflower? We loves it's pretty blue color but we don't know it's name.

Another wildflower

More wildflowers

Ginger Lily, it smells good.

Lantana, with a butterfly on it. For some reason it didn't do very good this year. Too much rain maybe.

Ok, we are back and it's time to bask in the sun.

The rocks in the butterfly garden are a good place to bask.

And I probably should do some grooming, my paws may be a little muddy after our walk.

Sadly we had our first frost Thanksgiving night and some of our plants didn't survive. It is very annoying as lots of them still had blooms on them. It's a little confusing about what didn't make it cause some of the same plants, planted elsewhere in the yard did OK, and some of the ones that got frostbite look half OK, half of them got frostbite and half of them didn't, and some are completely deaded from frostbite.The temperatures have warmed back up but we are suppose to get RAIN, so we will have to see how everything does.

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