Tuiren Tuesday

Tuiren Tuesday

Somebody mentioned to us that I always have the same expression on my face when Mommy takes the pictures of me. It's true I don't flirt with the camera like Fenris does. I swear that boy used to be a male model in another life. But I do occasionally  smile and sometimes Mommy is fast enough to catch it.

Most of the time I am too busy looking for good smells to worry about Mommy and her camera. ~Tuiren, reporting for ATCAD

- Two On Tuesday
This was our very first package.  It was very exciting for us to get a package in the mail. It was from 15 and Meowing, we had won a prize. We were very anxious for Mommy to help us open it.  The first thing Mommy got out was an eyeball ornament....

- Fenris Friday
Hello every buddy. I am giving Mommy my come hither look here. Tuiren says I am suppose to play hard to get so I am ignoring her here. I wonders if it will work. According to Tuiren if I wasn't so EASY we would get treats for photo shoots. I went...

- Mancat Monday
 I am preparing to go out into the wilds with my camera and take photographs.  Really Mom, do you have any idea how heavy this camera is? I got some good pictures which you can view here. Stupid Mommy didn't realize the battery in the camera...

- Mancat Monday ~ Socks
Dreaming of my sweet MoMo.   The beans have been busy in the vegetable garden this week. Saturday they planted watermelons, honeydew, cantaloupe,  turnips, carrots, and broccoli.  Since it was windy and raining off and on I spent the...

- Bad News
Some of you know that Mommy's camera (Canon Powershot A710 IS) got wet and we thoughts it was deaded. Who knew a camera with an underwater setting was so allergic to water. But a splash of water got on the lens and for the longest time the camera...

